Friday, August 20, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Bijani Twins
Personally, I feel that the doctors did no wrong and should not have been held accountable for what happened to the twins. They did what they were supposed to do; they tried their best in a marathon surgery more than 20 hours long. And it was by no means the doctor’s fault that the operation failed. The twins had full knowledge of the risks involved in such a surgery and they had agreed to it. With the patient’s consent, is it the doctor’s fault? If the doctors were to be held responsible for every single operation with a risk that failed, then no more operation would have been taken. What operation doesn’t carry a significant amount of risk? Take a brain surgery for example. There may be only 10% chance of the person’s survival, but do you not go through the operation, knowing the fact that its confirmed that you’ll die if you don’t? With the patient’s consent, the doctor’s should not be held responsible, as that was what the patients wanted and agreed to undertake. If you were to say this goes against the Hippocratic Oath, are you going to not do any operation with risks, even if the patient wants you to? So, on the issue of the Hippocratic Oath, I feel that it is outdated in the modern society. It should be changed to doctors should TRY THEIR BEST, instead of must.
Now onto the topic of violating medical ethics to push the boundaries of medical achievement. Ignoring whether what the doctor’s was ethical or not, would anything ever have been accomplished if we were to stick to the norms and never venture beyond what was considered acceptable? As the saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Many medical accomplishments would never have been possible if we did not dare to take these risks. What the doctor did may have resulted in the death of the Bijani twins, but I’m sure the doctors gained much valuable knowledge in this operation, and this may result in the saving of thousands more people in the future.
Thus, I feel that what the doctors did was entirely justified, and that what they did may save many more lives in the future.
And that concludes this blog post.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Stomp Issue (These are only my opinions on the issue)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
LA E-Learning Assignment Task 2
LA E-Learning Assignment Task 1
We Slept With Our Boots On
They unloaded the dead and maimed right before our eyes
They washed out the blood, we loaded our ruck’s and then took to the skies
Over the mountains, villages, and valleys we flew
Where we would land we had not a clue
Bullets are flying, the LZ is hot
We’re leaving this bird whether we like it or not
30 seconds they yelled, Lock N Load and grab your shit
Get ready to go and make it quick
My heart is pumping adrenalin through all of my veins
I run as fast as I can through the lead rain
The noise is tremendous, terror I can’t define
The only reason I survived that day was divine
I kept pulling the trigger and reloading and pulling some more
You do what you have to do, with that I will say no more
We fought from the valleys to the mountain peaks
From house to cave, to car to creek
Dirty and tired and hungry and scared
We slept with our boots on so we were always prepared
Those majestic mountains so steep, so high they kiss the skies
The Hindu Kush has changed so many lives
Up the mountains with heavy loads we trod
Who knew hell was so close to God
Beauty and terror are a strong mixed drink
So we drank it like drunkards and tried not to think
Good men and bad men, Mothers lost son’s
Everyone loses their innocence when they carry guns
Washed in the blood, and baptized by fire
I will never forget those who were called higher
They say blood is thicker than water, well lead is thicker than blood
Brothers aren’t born they’re earned. In the poppy fields, the tears, and the mud
And when I get to heaven to Saint Peter I will tell
Another Paratrooper reporting for duty sir, I spent my time in hell
Steve Carlsen
Friday, April 30, 2010
MoE's new Chinese policy change

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Starving of Sudan

Monday, March 1, 2010
E- Learning - Intra-personal Task C : Jem's Diary
E- Learning - Linguistic Task 2 : News Report on Tom Robinson's Trial
Trying desperately to save his client, Atticus Finch hammered poor Mayella Ewell with questions such as,"Did you scream first at your father instead of at Tom Robinson? Was that it?" followed closely by "Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?". With his argument of Bob Ewell beating his own daughter, Mayella Ewell was at a loss for words and soon burst into tears and kept silent for the remainder of the case.
A member of the jury proclaimed triumphantly after the trial, " Justice has prevailed! That nigger, who has committed such a heinous crime will be duly punished!"
Another member of the jury was shaking his head with disbelief at Atticus' defense of Tom Robinson, " A nigger lover! He brings shame on all of us! Don't expect us to treat him with respect anymore!"
Atticus, before hearing the judgement, left the court hurriedly. Before he left, he whispered something in a young reporter;s ears. Whatever it is, he seemed really dejected at losing the case. This must have been a huge blow to his reputation. Tom Robinson will be appealing, but it will most likely be hopeless. -AFP