War. This word encapsulates a lot. Suffering. Explosions. Death. Birth of psychopaths( Hitler). New ways to kill. Dismembered bodies. Broken families. Broken dreams. Broken lives.
Out of all the above, there is nothing positive about war. So why then, do we start wars? Why then do we partake in this act of destruction? Is it human nature? Is it unavoidable? What will happen if another major war happened?
The world had gone through several wars and lived through it, such as World War I, World War II, the Gulf War.... The list is endless. But we survived through it all. Through every single war, new ways to kill each other have been created. Through every single war, more people die in the next. So what will happen if we experience a World War III? With nuclear bombs, biological bombs, hydrogen bombs.... Will the world be destroyed? We probably won't be able to survive through another war. But all that is preventing us from attacking one another right now is the fear of being attacked by the allies of the countries you attack, or being attacked by the UN. So all this can be broken with just a country stupid enough to attack another country, which will start off a whole world war, as the whole world right now is being interlinked by alliances. This is just like how World War I started, but the stakes this time is way higher. Nuclear war may erupt if war happens, and you and I may all die. So what exactly had led us to this stage? What has made us to this precarious situation?
The Kaiser started World War I because he wanted more land, more power, and he subsequently failed, having not learned at all from the failures of other warmongers. Hitler, even worse, started another war shortly after the World War I, even though as a soldier, he himself personally witnessed the carnage of war. Maybe there will always be someone within us who will start war. So, if war is inevitable, maybe I should prepare myself for an incoming World War III? Being pessimistic.... Maybe someone close to me may probably start a war in the future. I sure hope it'll never come to that. I know enough of the horrors of war to think that its cool. But the above picture is pretty cool though, if a little..... horrifying. Try imagining hundreds of those rain down on Earth....
Any opinions?
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